Bacteria is a non-green, one-celled organism. Normally, you’d have to look at them via a microscope. However, bacterial contamination in water has become a constant pain for citizens. The most common bacteria found in water are Coliform, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Salmonella, etc.

These bacteria are highly pathogenic; these can cause severe diarrhea, stomach ache, fever, and in the worst case, death.
So, people are highly concerned about ensuring purified water. They often try to find out what could be the most efficient and perfect water treatment technology to remove bacteria from water.
Even, if distilling water remove bacteria? Distillation is one of the most popular remedies for bacterial problems in water. The distillation is a thermal process where water is vaporized at more than 212 ⁰F. Then the fresh steam is passed through a condensation coil made with stainless steel, producing bacteria-free, purified, and consumable drinking water.
What are the Most Pathogenic Bacteria Found in Water?
Bacteria are single-celled creatures that are found in water and environment. Whenever you start filling a glass of water, you are filing a huge amount of pathogenic bacteria in it, such as Escherichia Coli, Campylobacter Jejuni, Hepatitis A, Giardia Lamblia, Salmonella, Legionella Pneumophila, Cryptosporidium, and so on.
Does Distilling Water Remove Bacteria?
Yes, distilling water removes bacteria. Even it won’t be wrong if I say that this is the best way to remove bacteria from water. I purchased my water distillation unit 2 decades ago. That water distiller not just kills bacteria and also eliminates the bacterial residue from the water via steam distillation.
Last week, I discovered that every family and household in my neighborhood were becoming sick without any known reason. They had diarrhea and vomiting repeatedly. So, once you’re dehydrated, you usually need to drink more liquid to cure faster, right?
But they only continued getting sicker even more.
A government health and sanitation official announced that the DITCH Pool had been linked to the water supply about eight days earlier. A boil decree was given for all water supplies after E. coli bacteria was discovered in the city’s water supply. Every one of us was taken aback.
My neighbors have been consuming E. coli contaminated ditch water for the previous week! In 24 hours, the whole city’s supply of bottled water was depleted!
I never got sick because I had a Distiller in my home, and I aided my neighbors by providing them with distilling water. People never realize how valuable anything is until it becomes scarce. It was great to assist someone in times of need. I also felt comfortable, secure, and even at ease knowing I was consuming bacteria-free distilled water.
What is the Best Filtration Method to Remove Bacteria from Drinking Water?
In my experience, UV Disinfection is the best filtration method to remove bacteria from drinking water. Because it doesn’t need any chemical use but still helps to remove the bacteria very well in a natural process. Let me share the filtration method in detail so that you can do it also. So, let’s see:
Among the best techniques for removing bacteria at the entrance level is UV disinfection. You can eliminate bacteria from drinking water in your house or RV, and even on the go with a UV filter bottle.
This Filtration system works by putting a UV lamp within a chamber. UV rays modify the DNA of aquatic microorganisms, kill them and prevent them from growing as water runs through the chamber.
Although drinking water that’s been cleaned with UV disinfection still contains bacteria, these microorganisms are no longer capable of making you sick.
UV disinfection kills microorganisms in more than just water supply. It is efficient against viruses as well as protozoa.
A UV filter normally lasts around a year, even before a lamp requires replacement. UV disinfection is thus a low-maintenance solution worthy of consideration if you don’t need to deal with filter replacements or chemicals top-ups.
What are the two Best Water Filters to Remove Bacteria from tap or Well Water?
I have used so many water filters because I love maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And now, I will share about the two water filters that we’re the best to remove bacteria from the tap or well water out of my experience. So, let’s see:
1. Brita Standard Metro Water Filter Pitcher:
Brita is a well-known brand among the most common ways to purify tap water. This pitcher has over 44,000 ratings, and a 4.8-star rating on Amazon is one of the best-rated alternatives available that work the best for removing bacteria from the tap or well water.
It has a 5-cups capability and is available in three different colors. You may select between normal filters that last around 12 weeks and Long last filters that last more than 6 months.
Using coconut-based charcoal filters, this pitcher removes every pathogenic bacteria from water. Additionally, it removes chlorine, mercury, copper, iron, cadmium, and selenium from water.
It is super good for removing bacteria and other microorganisms from the water. Highly recommended!

2. APEC Water Systems Essence 5-Stage Under-Sink Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System:
RO is one of the most reliable technology for removing bacteria from drinking water.
Several water filters can remove impurities using activated charcoal and paper membrane; however, if you want to eliminate total dissolved solids (often referred to as TDS) from your drinkable water, you’ll want a RO filtration.
These systems usually have multiple filtering stages using a super-fine screen to filter out any mineral, salt, metal, potassium ions, and anions, which may be incorporated inside the water.
This Filtration System is a good choice in the RO category because of its 5 large-capacity filtrations that can eliminate 99 percent of chlorine, bad taste, bad smells, VOCs, and toxic fluoride salt, arsenic, lead, harmful nitrates, toxic metals, and other contaminants. It’s meant to be put beneath your sink, which might be a challenging task depending on the connections.

Now you know that Water Distiller is not just to kill bacteria and also eliminates the killed bacteria from the water via steam distillation. Not only that, you have learned a lot of things about removing bacteria from water. So, if you find it helpful, do share it with the people you care about so that they can get benefits from it also. Life is short, so live healthily and help others to live with better health!