Does Distilling Water Remove Microplastics —An expert explained

Every year, the proportion of microplastic contamination increases dramatically. As a result, it’s critical to figure out how to filter and eliminate microplastics from water.


Furthermore, the size and function of microplastic filtering technology vary according to the degree of the contamination. Some filters are not even able to remove microplastics from water.

Does distilling water remove microplastics? Yes, water distillation is an excellent way to get rid of microplastics since distillation eliminates a lot of toxic chemicals and other impurities. Efficient water distillers can remove 88-90% microplastics from tap water.

You Should Know: Do water filters remove microplastics?

Does Distilling Water Remove Microplastics?

Yes, distilling water removes around 90% of microplastics from water. Distillation processboils water until it evaporates, and then condensing the vapor in a separator funnel.

The boiling method removes all pollutants, and solid particles, such as salts, metals, minerals, and other synthetic chemicals from the water. Bacteria, microorganisms, and viruses are also killed by distillation process.

Nevertheless, volatile chemicals have a lesser density than water, distillation filters are unable to eliminate them.

Which Filters Remove Microplastic from Water?

Microplastic is a very harmful compound in the water. And people are agitated about its growth rate in the water. However, there is nothing much to worry about.

Here, I will talk about 3 different types of water filters that remove microplastic from water. So, let’s see:

 Pitcher filterCounter Top filterFaucet filter
ProsThe product is easily accessible and simple to obtain.The buying price is low at the first purchase.For tastier water, it usually reduces the chlorine flavor and odor.The pitcher is portable and can be stored in the refrigerator.Filtered water that is always accessible – the greatest long-term remedy for filtering water in-homeTypically one of the most resilient and reliable filtration techniques — removes approximately 10 times more pollutants than the top pitcher filter.The equipment is hidden beneath the counter and has a separate on-sink tap for purified water.When compared to countertop and pitcher choices, these filters usually last the longest.Filtered water is always accessible at the faucet.It last longer than pitcher filtersCompared with gravitational pull pitcher filters, a superior filtration mechanism employs water pressure rather than depending on gravity.
ConsFilters have a short lifespan and must be replaced frequently.Higher long-term costs – This is the most expensive option, depending on the affordability per gallon.Filtration by gravity is sluggish and inconvenient.Filtration technology is ineffective when contrasted with countering and undercounted solutions.The initial purchasing price is usually higher.Setup is more difficult since most require drilling holes on the sink counter to attach a specialized faucet.The majority of yhis filter can only be used with standard faucets; they won’t function with sprayer water taps.On a sink faucet or even a countertop, it can be cumbersome.
Comparative analysis of the best filtration technique to remove microplastic from tap water

How do You Separate Microplastics from Water?

Decomposition of microplastics takes a while. There is a lot of scientific data regarding removing microplastics from tap water inside the virtual communities, but don’t get too caught up in it. All water-related issues at home will almost certainly necessitate a filtration system, but not just any type of water filtration.

The pore space must be specified because it will define the type of filter used. Orb Media measured the tiniest microplastics to be around 2.5 micrometers. Several microplastic filter options listed below will assist you in removing this type of microplastic.

Carbon block filtration system:

Carbon filtration can lower microplastic concentrations because microplastics are trapped and incorporated into the charcoal surfaces. For filtering very small particles, like 0.5 microns, I recommend using this type of filter.

Carbon block filtration takes longer for filter microplastics than the activated carbon. So, Carbon Block filtration is more effective since it can remove major amount of microplastic.

Reverse Osmosis:

Reverse osmosis devices are one of the most reliable ways to remove microplastics because they can remove or filter down up to 0.001 microns. They’re commonly found in water biological treatment in both urban and industrial settings. Another plus is the availability of the RO process for the moment in time filtering.

If you wish to remove impurities other than microplastics, RO is a suitable alternative. It’ll be as if you are doing work but getting 2 outcomes. It will, nevertheless, eliminate water-rich particles and may necessitate regular maintenance.


90% of microplastics are believed to be reduced by distillation filters. They are thought to provide uncontaminated water, according to experts. The method performs by boiling water until it evaporates, condensing the vapor in a separatory funnel.

This boiling method removes all pollutants, and solid particles, such as salts, metals, minerals, and other synthetic chemicals, from the water. Bacteria, microorganisms, and viruses are also killed by it.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. How long does it take to filter microplastics out of water?

It is anticipated that human civilization has generated 8.4 billion tonnes of plastic waste since its conception (about 1907), with only 21% recycled plus burned and the remaining 79% still in use.

Plastic generally takes years or forever to filter out from water. Some researchers mentioned that it takes 500-1000 years (approximately) naturally to filter out water. So, you can filter your drinking water with Reverse Osmosis, Carbon, or Distillation filter, to get pure drinking water.

Q2. Which filtration process is most efficient in removing microplastic from water?

Reverse osmosis filtration is the most efficient method for removing microplastics from water. Reverse osmosis can remove very tiny particles like 0.0001 microns from water, so it will be the most effective filtration process in removing microplastic from water.


Now you know, if water distillation can remove microplastic from water or not.

Distillation can remove microplastic from water and reverse osmosis is another efficient water treatment technology to remove microplastic from water. You can take help of any of these technology to get rid of microplastic from water.

Please visit our homepage to know more about microplastics in water.